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Floriaan Ganzevoort and Mike Evers are partners within Amsterdam based lighting design firm Theatermachine. This partnership is founded out of a mutual fascination for contextualising light design. Theatermachine's designs are distinguishable by the way they treat light as an agent and to tell a story. Design starts with space, which could be a theatre set, but also a building or a room. In this way a dialogue is conceived between space and light. Their work extends beyond theatre to music, museums and architecture. As a lighting designer and scenographer Floriaan Ganzevoort has worked with: Dutch National Opera, Ballet de Marseille, Opéra du Rhin, Ulrike Quade Company, Michel van der Aa, Saskia Boddeke & Peter Greenaway, Swarovski Park, Van Gogh Museum and others. Evers has worked as a lighting designer for Zuidelijk Toneel, Dutch National Touring Opera, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Nederlands Blazers Ensemble, Straat Museum, Theater Sonnevanck and others.

Past events

  1. 2022

    music theatre |Internationaal Theater Amsterdam - Grote zaal