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The show must go on

Jérôme Bel

The show must go on is provocative and charming, serious and ridiculous, cheerful and intense. Jérôme Bel’s influential dance performance has toured all over the world and provoked fierce, often contradictory reactions in every town and every theatre. Now, the production visits Amsterdam for the first time. Nineteen dancers and a DJ use nineteen pop songs to play with everyday cliché’s and the conventions of the theatre, confronting the audience with its reactions. An exact description would make it seem too simple for words, but it is profoundly sophisticated and intelligent theatre. The show must go on recovers the real feeling that is hidden in sentiment and cliché.


Tue June 14 2011 10:30 PM

language & duration

  • Duration of performance unknown (zonder pauze)


concept Jérôme Bel direction Jérôme Bel music Leonard Bernstein, The Beatles, David Bowie, Nick Cave, Céline Dion, Norman Gimbel, Charles Fox, Mark Knopfler, John Lennon, Galt MacDermot, George Michael, Erick “More” Morillo, Mark Quashie, Lionel Richie, A. Romero Monge, R. Ruiz, Édith Piaf, Simon and Garfunkel, Sting and The Police, Queen assistant Olgade Soto, Frederic Seguette casting Barbara Van Lindt, Jérôme Bel stage manager Gilles Gentner, Johannes Sundrup production management Sandro Grando dance Frederic Seguette, Eric Affergan, Hester Van Hasselt, Peter Vandenbempt, Esther Snelder, Gisèle Pelozuelo, Henrique Neves, Cédric Andrieux, Sonja Augart, Lara Barsacq, Nicole Beutler, Matthias Breitenbach, Muriel Corbel, Dina Ed Dik, Pere Faura, David Fischer, Marie-Louise Gilcher, Gaspard Guilbert, Frédéric Moreau production R.B., Arteleku Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, Gasthuis, Théâtre de la Ville, Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier Languedoc-Roussillon with the support of Direction Régionale des Affaires Culturelles d’Ile-de-France, Cultures France/Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken