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Marina Abramović


Marina Abramović (Belgrade, 1946) is internationally celebrated since the 1970s as a pioneer of performance art and is considered one of the major originators of this form of art, bringing performance art from its experimental beginnings to the mainstream.

In her work, Marina Abramović uses her own body as a medium, consistently and uncompromisingly testing her mental and physical endurance. Together with artist Ulay (Frank Uwe Laysiepen, 1943–2020), whom she met in Amsterdam in 1975 - she caused an international sensation with long-durational performances that pushed these limits to the very edge - until their breakup in 1988, In her later solo work, she focusses more on exploring spirituality and creating an interplay with the audience, which becomes part of her work and energy.

Her work is featured at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam in the most comprehensive solo exhibition ever held in the Netherlands. Over 60 key works show the development of her impressive oeuvre in the past fifty years: from her early work, which she made in former Yugoslavia and in Amsterdam, to the ground-breaking performances with her partner Ulay and the solo work she is currently engaged in. Included are registrations of legendary performances, photos, videos, sculptures and re-performances of four iconic performances to be performed in the Netherlands for the first time, including The House with the Ocean View.

Major work

2023-2025 Marina Abramović (touring exhibition)

2020-2022 7 Deaths of Maria Callas (opera)

2017-2019 The Cleaner (touring exhibition)

2012 Marina Abramović: The Artist is Present (feature-length documentary)

2012 The Life and Death of Marina Abramović (theatre play, directed by Robert Wilson)

2010 The Artist is Present (performance and exhibition), Museum of Modern Art, New York

2007 founding of the Marina Abramović Institute (MAI)

2005 Seven Easy Pieces (performance and exhibition), Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York

2002 The House with the Ocean View (performance and exhibition), Sean Kelly Gallery, New York

1999 Cleaning the House (exhibition), Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art, Helsinki, Finland

1997 Balkan Baroque (performance and exhibition), XLVII Biennale de Venezia, Venice, Italy

1988 The Great Wall Walk, China

1976-1988 Performances with Ulay

1975-1976 Performances Freeing the Voice, Freeing the Memory, Freeing the Body

1974 Performances Rhythm 0, Rhythm 2, Rhythm 4, Rhythm 5


2023 Sonning Prize, from the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

2021 Princess of Asturias Award for the Arts, Oviedo, Spain

2018 GLOBART Award 2018, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Wien, Austria

2009 Lorenzo il Magnifico career Award, Florence Biennale, Florence, Italy

2006 AICA USA Award for the performance 7 Easy Pieces

2003 AICA USA Award + Winner of the New York Dance and Performance Award (The Bessies) for The House with the Ocean View

1997 Golden Lion for Best Artist, Venice Biennale

Previously at the Holland Festival

1983 Positive Zero 

2012 The Life and Death of Marina Abramović 

2012 Marina Abramović video installation 

Upcoming events

  1. The House with the Ocean View

    Marina Abramović

    • # durational
    • # existentieel
    • # opoffering
    20:00 hours |performance |Stedelijk Museum
  2. The House with the Ocean View

    Marina Abramović

    • # durational
    • # existentieel
    • # opoffering
    20:00 hours |performance |Stedelijk Museum
  3. The House with the Ocean View

    Marina Abramović

    • # durational
    • # existentieel
    • # opoffering
    21:00 hours |performance |Stedelijk Museum
  4. The House with the Ocean View

    Marina Abramović

    • # durational
    • # existentieel
    • # opoffering
    20:00 hours |performance |Stedelijk Museum

Past events

  1. 2013

    music theatre |Zuiveringshal West - Westergasfabriek
  2. 2012

    context |Muziekgebouw aan 't IJ
  3. theatre |Koninklijk Theater Carré