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Jonathas de Andrade


Jonathas de Andrade (b. Maceió, 1982) lives in Recife, Brazil. He uses photography, installation and video to traverse collective memory and history, making use of strategies that shuffle fiction and reality. Jonathas collects and catalogues architecture, images, texts, life stories and recomposes a personal narrative of the past. Past solo museum exhibitions include Museu de Arte de São Paulo (2016-17), The Power Plant, Toronto (2017), New Museum, New York (2017) and MCA Chicago (2019). Group exhibitions include 32nd Bienal de São Paulo (2016), Unfinished Conversations: New Work from the Collection, The Museum of Modern Art, New York (2017), and Padiglione d’Arte Contemporanea, Milan (2018), Istanbul Biennial (2019), Venice Biennale (2022).

Past events